The Creatrix Experience ©2024 Elizabeth des Roches




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Creative Spotlight


Patrick Geary


In this rich & vivid conversation, Patrick & I visit Helen of Troy, the 18th century, the heavens, Egypt and explore the daily life of an American magician living in London.

We also chat about –

  • the many ancient practices he combined to form his own unique divinatory method
  • practical ways Astrological Time Travel Magic can shift your awareness and change your life
  • consciously designing & activating positive energetic attachments
  • capturing planetary & stellar essences in hand-crafted talismans
  • and, so much more!

A Note from Patrick

I work as an astrologer, magician and coach, and I am attached to none of these labels. After discovering astrology, palmistry and tarot in high school, I took a 20-year hiatus from the esoteric arts and became an international human rights lawyer for the United Nations.
Now firmly grounded in the universal principles that govern heaven and earth alike, I collaborate with individual clients, groups and companies to foster conscious connection with cosmic energy. My practice incorporates elements from channelling and mediumship to yoga and the creative arts, and it continues to expand in exciting and often unexpected ways.

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We hope you enjoyed this Creative Spotlight.  It’s was a delight to have the opportunity to delve into Patrick’s fascinating work and catch a glimpse of what he is creating.  Once you’ve watched, you’ll see astrology in a whole new light.

What stood out for you?  What will you take away from this conversation?

Patrick would love to hear from you.

You can email him, follow him on IG , commission your own magical piece or for an even deeper (& transformational) experience, book a session with him.  Recently, I had an outstanding astrological consultation with him.  I was impressed by his depth of knowledge, ability to pull together so many of my life threads and how easily he could see the stories they have to tell.

Now, when I look at my birth chart, I understand it better and know more about how to work with it!

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Focus your energy,

easily access your best ideas

& then,

make them real.


Come & collaborate with me to Weave Your World.

We'll craft a clear way forward for your next business/life project(s) plus increased energy, creativity, inspiration, fluidity & enthusiasm. Together, we'll weave your interests, skills, knowledge, desires and dreams into a singular, enjoyable and expansive life.

For more details & to book an initial consultation, send me an EMAIL with a brief note about yourself and your future creations.

Discover my world at - SIGN UP to receive my letters filled with insights & opportunities as well as notices when more great conversations like this one are available!


Thanks for watching!


P.S.  Would YOU would like to be a featured guest in an upcoming Creative Spotlight? If you feel like it's a YES, or even a MAYBE, please email me HERE. Tell me about yourself and what you're creating & I'll send you details for moving forward.