The Creatrix Experience ©2024 Elizabeth des Roches




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CONNECT Creatrix Energy Activation Elizabeth des Roches

Energetic Threads Intuitive Reading

An Introduction


Learn about what’s going on during an Energetic Threads Intuitive Reading,
how I came to design this new form of divination & why it so potent.

Energetic Threads Intuitive Reading

Full Moon * February 2022


You can download an image of the symbols & threads for this reading HERE.

If you’d like to record any information you receive as you listen to the reading, you can print out a PDF of my Energetic Threads Framework HERE.

Watch for these symbols in the coming weeks, wear the colours which speak to you most and pay attention to similar messages — they may show up in your dreams, online, in conversations, in books — this is the universe speaking to you!

Go ahead & play with this information ! How would you like to weave it into your life?

Your Personal

Energetic Threads Intuitive Reading

How to prepare & what happens during your call…


Click HERE to book your personal Energetic Threads Reading.


If you found this information interesting and would like to experience it for yourself, I invite you book a personal Energetic Threads Intuitive Reading with me.

You can choose either a LIVE reading (we meet on Zoom) or a DISTANCE reading (we don’t meet live, I will do your reading at the time you have chosen & send you the recording afterwards).

If you’d also like your own Oracle Set including a Custom Crafted Essential Oil blend which I energetically harmonize with the frequency of your Intuitive Reading mailed to your home, pick one of the PACKAGES.

HINT – When you are booking your reading, once you choose your time zone, all the times you see on the calendar are in YOUR time zone.  Once you have completed your reservation, you will receive an automated confirmation email as well as a 24-hour reminder email which includes the information you’ll need.

If you have any questions, you can send me an EMAIL.

Thanks for watching & I hope to see you soon.