The Creatrix Experience ©2024 Elizabeth des Roches




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Centre Your Self - Creatrix Experience - Elizabeth des Roches


What We Do Together

Your Experience


Describing what you “do” can be one of the weirdest & most challenging experiences in your business (& life in general).  There you are, naturally doing what you do best, when someone asks you to explain it.  They could be a friend, relative, colleague or (this is when it gets so frustrating) a potential client.


“Tell me, what is it that you really do? “

One moment, you’re completely sure of yourself. Suddenly, you feel like you’re flailing wildly in a pit of quicksand.  The more you try to be clear & to the point, the more you end up hemming & hawing, sinking deeper into a tangle of “a bit of this & a little of that”.

Instead of sounding professional & focused, you sound like the drycleaner who says he can press your pants plus do your taxes, walk your dog & even, tutor your kids!


Here’s the interesting part. 

This doesn’t just happen to newbies.  It can happen to anyone – particularly if you’re a multi-passionate woman & can’t fit what you “do” under a neat title.

In the last few weeks, I enjoyed “Creatrix Chats” with several accomplished, intelligent women from around the world.  Each is really “tuned in”, works with powerful physical (& spiritual) energies & has a toolbox of skills which literally change people’s lives.

They all have another surprising thing in common.

Every one of them is taking yet another marketing course.


At first glance, marketing seems to be a good place to focus when you want more clients & to build your business.  Everybody knows you can’t run a business without clients.

When I had Alabaster, my lifestyle design shop, (long before online shopping – do you remember those days?), if nobody came in the door, I didn’t sell anything.


You need clients to have a business. We’ve been taught that marketing is the way to get them (which, by the way, isn’t 100% true…but I’ll leave that for another day).

Online celebrities will tell you that you must “put yourself in your prospective client’s shoes, be visible, tell them the benefits of working with you” to grow your business.  All great tactics but none of those can happen if you’re still trying to figure out how to explain what you’re actually doing while you’re working with a client!

These smart women I chatted with are spending their time, energy & money on marketing trainings because the marketing gurus have done a good job selling their wares not because it’s what they really need.


Simply put…

Marketing & selling are mainly about telling people what you do.

If you can’t do that in an authentic, confident way, people will feel your discomfort.  They’ll pick up on the subtle energetic mismatch & because they can’t quite put their finger on why they don’t trust you, they’ll shy away.

A stockpile of marketing templates, complex strategies & fixed rules won’t help you feel more secure. They also won’t save you from those awkward moments as you try to maintain your credibility while scrambling to sum up your life’s work in a few succinct words.


Keep in mind, brevity is not your goal.

Despite what the online world would have you believe… you don’t need a 30 second “elevator pitch”. Those are for people who could barely cover the back of a napkin with their story.

You’re an experienced, creative woman who’s enjoying a complex life & you have a lot to offer. So much, that you could write an entire book about it all (maybe, you already have?).

Describing your work, personal philosophy & methods should take a far longer than half a minute!  And, if the person you’re speaking to can’t stick around to listen, you probably don’t want to work them anyway.


How do I know all this?

I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1987, when I quit fashion school & founded my first company.  For decades, I sold THINGS – clothes, books, candles, jewellery, cards & other delights. In all that time, I hardly spent a moment thinking about marketing.  It was easy to describe what I did – I designed, made & sold stuff.  My clients understood because they could SEE my products.

Everything changed in 2013 when I began to teach & mentor women about crafting a conscious, creative life.  Somewhere, I got the idea that I was my product.  For the first time in 26 years, I started questioning the value of what I do.  As my confidence wavered, I quickly fell into wondering if I knew how to market my new business!

For the next 5+ years, I told myself that selling something invisible (my energy & wisdom) is hard because I couldn’t give it a tidy label. As I tried to unravel this puzzle, I took dozens of free marketing webinars.  I bought short & long courses from all the “experts”.  I worked with private coaches, spent countless hours studying, writing in journals, consulting oracles and filling in those “handy templates” in my quest to answer, “What do I do?”.


Guess what?

I didn’t find my answer until I dug my way out of the hyped-up marketing quagmire and looked at this question from a new point of view.

Of course, I didn’t give up on marketing since it’s a key part of doing business.  But I realized that the marketeers sell the outer trappings of marketing like the 25-Step Methods & “Fill-in-the-Blanks” workbooks because they can’t mass-market the deep, inner work necessary to answer these core questions

“What do I do?”

& the very closely-related …

“Why do I do it?”

This may seem too simple … but it’s powerful.

In the big scheme of things, you are here to do ONE thing.  Some call it your “purpose” while others talk about your stars, dharma or design.

Call it what you want.

You express YOUR WORK in your life & business, all the time.  Whether you’re aware of it or not.

You can choose to discover YOUR WORK.

And when you become conscious of it, your life & business will flourish.  You begin to enjoy, radiate & relax into a new way of being YOU.

You get to enjoy the abundance of allowing your whole self to participate in your business when you stop trying to squeeze yourself into a single category.  You can be an “artist”, a “writer”, a “mentor”, a “healer” & a “spiritual guide” – all at the same time!

You can play with the material world if you decide to create “things” & connect with the unseen to receive new ideas, a boost of energy or some higher guidance.  Crossing the threshold between these realities is easier than you know & so much fun.

As you explore ways to tie all of your skills, knowledge & wisdom together, your energy rises.  You engage more of your natural potential. It’s OK to develop new offerings & ways of sharing your work.  Since everything is interlaced, it all fits together beautifully.  You shine brighter.  Your confidence soars. People notice you & your work.  Marketing stops being a chore & becomes a new form of creative self-expression.

When you’re aware that what you DO is always the same at its core & that it’s incredibly valuable, you can relax as you (& your business) evolve.  Go fast or go slow.  You decide what timing is best for you.  Instead of pushing, you slip into flow & see where the energy takes you.  You trust yourself & the universe to support you & your dreams.


These are just a few of the benefits which you experience as we delve into your past, present & future. You also feel more connected to your self & others as you expand your awareness into new spaces – real & imagined.  The boundaries between work & play blur as your life becomes one gorgeous creation.

You adore What You Do & it shows!

If you’d love to find the elusive answer to “What Do I Do?”, as well as responses to other key questions which can help you create a strong, yet flexible foundation for your business, I invite you to consider my newest Creatrix Experience – YOUR WORK.



YOUR WORK is an immersive, customized private 4-part experience designed to enhance your life & nurture your business.

Together, we’ll embark on a focused exploration of you, your life & your business.

We’ll go beyond titles, describing your “process” or laundry lists of the techniques you’ve studied over the years.  You’ll look beneath these surface-level ideas & get at the central concept which ties everything you do together.

When you discover “What You Do”, it’s obvious why you’re drawn to certain projects, methods, topics & experiences.  And, once you’re crystal clear, old hesitation & doubt just falls away. You can easily explain YOUR WORK to others – in person & in writing.

You & I will explore YOUR WORK through deep conversation, storytelling, energetic exercises, inspired journaling, expanded perceptions, guided meditations, multi-layered visioning & a healthy dose of “woo-work”.

If you’ve collected dozens of free “Find Your Niche” PDFs, spent hours trying to meditate your way to business clarity or delayed launching your new product (or even, your entire business) over & over again because it seems like there’s something you need to put in place first – YOUR WORK is for you.

During YOUR WORK, find your personal answers to:

  • What is the central theme of my life & how does it influence my business?
  • What is profoundly important for me? For my business?
  • How do I talk about my transformational work without sounding conceited or too complex? What do I do when it feels like nobody is listening?
  • How can I package & offer an energetic experience? I spontaneously draw upon so many skills, techniques & tools in my work. It’s different for every client.
  • I create 3-D pieces, write, paint, cook – are they sacred, powerful & valuable, too?
  • Which areas of my business are ready to be transformed so it can grow more easily?  I want to spend fewer hours working & earn more money.
  • How can I design (or redesign) my business in a way which feels great & suits my needs?


You’ll experience elegant ways to –

Focus on your innate gifts.

Marketing isn’t what you’re here to do! There’s no need to spend valuable energy going in circles trying to figure out your “perfect niche” or setting up complicated ways for people to work with you.

Instead, go deep & get to know yourself better.

Choosing this simple act helps you feel centred & calm when you engage with potential & current clients.


Follow the natural flow of your creativity.

Marketing is near the end of the creative business cycle.

If you focus on it first, you’re basically working backwards!

When you pinpoint YOUR WORK, your unique expertise, then claim it as your own BEFORE you start designing offers, writing sales pages & posting online, your marketing flows naturally.

It’s simple to explain what you do & why.


Discover your favourite (aka most powerful) forms of self-expression.

Express yourself & watch your life unfold.

Begin to design & nurture your business from the centre out. Say goodbye to comparisons, feeling like you’re behind, on the wrong track or missing out on something.

Business is a potent form of creativity.  It’s an Art of Self-Illumination. It exists to expand your life as much as it does to inspire and assist others.


Draw your energetic threads together.

When you realize that devoting yourself to your business is not the same thing as being a slave to it, your energy shifts.  Each day is an adventure.  A practical spiritual practice.

YOUR WORK is why you’re alive.

It’s what you’re here to contribute, to enjoy, to benefit from & your way to leave your unique mark on the world.


Client Results

Wendy responds to the question –

“What would you say to someone considering doing YOUR WORK?”

Terri writes :

If you want to live a life that gives you peace & joy & freedom –

work with Elizabeth and make it possible.

A few weeks after she completed CENTRE YOUR SELF, she shared :

My mind is running on cosmic time, I am excited, yet peaceful. I am writing frantically to keep up with the information that is flooding my mind…coming from….I’m not quite sure, but definitely a benevolent energy!

You have allowed me to open myself up to what is mine to know and I will be forever grateful.

Elizabeth, the sessions with you on ‘My Story & My Work’ opened a portal to…somewhere, and thanks to you, the visual of the cabin, hearth and bottles/jars of herbs, oils and ‘magic’ is coming, quite literally, to fruition.

My mind is open and receiving (leaving my normal ‘judgements’ aside) allowing a cohesion of what, until now, has been a jagged collection of bits and pieces in my memory.

My article on ‘Women & Connectivity’ will be published in December 😳, my Serenity yoga classes are full to bursting, I have requests for classes in a cabin that won’t even be delivered until the spring 😳 and my creative juices are flowing like Niagara Falls.

In my heart, I know… I have you to thank.

The work you do, matters so much, I just had to tell you…although you’re ‘evolved’ enough to know this already, but it makes my heart glad to tell you anyway. 💙🙏🏻

Grateful in darkness & in light,

YOUR WORK is presented in 4 parts –

  • You complete a set of self-directed Activation exercises before our first call.
  • We meet for a 60-minute private Creation Session (on Zoom).
  • You receive email Support between sessions for feedback & direction as you explore & clarify YOUR WORK.
  • We enjoy another 60-minute Integration Session (on Zoom).

You receive recordings of everything along with a PDF workbook for future reference.


you know how to express what you stand for, what you really want to offer to your clients (& the world), where you’re headed and why you’re on this path in the first place.

You lay the flexible foundation for an easy flow of clients with less stress & effort.

You have personalized practices to help you continue your explorations, maintain your new higher, energetic levels & remember what you discovered about yourself during this experience.

Your Investment

CENTRE YOUR SELF is a customized, private Creatrix Experience.

Our time together will span 10 days.

The moment you choose to enroll, I begin to create a sacred, energetic container for CENTRE YOUR SELF.

I often meditate, dream of & receive messages for my clients.  Much work happens beyond our regular consciousness & our connection continues to weave us together even when we are not on a call.  This added layer of intimacy & deep insight will assist you in myriad ways, now & in the months to come.

Your investment is 1000 €.

This private engagement is designed exclusively for you & the investment is non-refundable.

Your First Step

If you’d like to get to know me better &/or have questions about the structure, timing, benefits or possible outcomes you can experience by engaging in this enriching work, head over to my calendar. Choose a time which suits you for us to enjoy a casual Zoom-Tea.  I’m always happy to answer questions & help you feel into this experience more.

If you’re ready to step into CENTRE YOUR SELF right now, so you finally know what you really want to offer to yourself, your clients (& the world), have ways to do it simply and feel more confident in your life & business choices, please book a Zoom-Tea or send me an EMAIL. I’ll send you what you need so we can move ahead.

I look forward to experiencing CENTRE YOUR SELF with you.