Elizabeth des Roches - The Creatrix Experience

Creative FLOW


Many of us unconsciously slip into Habitual FLOW while driving, walking, or showering. We often use it to to problem solve or give ourselves a mini-break from our daily life.

Creative FLOW is a whole other game.

It’s a powerful tool which adds another dimension to your creative life. Being in the Creative FLOW state feels like you’re playing AND working at the same time.

Choose a richer experience with Creative FLOW…

Creative Flow or Habitual Flow?

You probably have a pretty good idea of what FLOW is, those moments when you're so immersed in what you're doing that time seems to move differently, your body seems to run more smoothly than usual, and you almost have to "wake up" when you're done so you can fall back into your "regular" way of functioning.

Many of us unconsciously slip into Habitual FLOW while driving, walking, or showering. We often use it to to problem solve or give ourselves a mini-break from our daily life.

Creative FLOW is a whole other game.

You choose when to activate it and consciously open yourself to discover new ideas rather than mindlessly rolling around old ones. It's a higher vibrational state than your day-to-day way of thinking & Habitual FLOW—picture a black & white TV vs a technicolour home theatre system .

Creative FLOW is a KEY tool you can use to amplify your creativity and CRAFT your life, your way.

And, it's a lot of fun!

Creative FLOW leaves you enthusiastic and energized. When you step out of a Creative FLOW session, you've got a tangible result to enjoy, like a fresh approach to a project (along with the simple steps you can take to complete it), a new painting or sketch, pages of inspired words for your book or an exciting product for your business.

Whatever you've created, it's definitely one-of-a-kind.

We naturally default into Habitual FLOW to give our whirring brain a break. When we're there, we just end up going in circles and come away with a vague sense that we've shuffled thoughts around but don't feel like we're any clearer than before we began.

Or, you can go for a richer experience...

Creative FLOW, is a powerful tool which adds another dimension to your creative life. You go from working with information you already have stored in your brain to "shopping in the field" where your imagination gets to run free and play. You literally by-pass the old stuff and head for the brilliant ideas which light you up!

Being in Creative FLOW feels like you're playing AND working at the same time. When you're simultaneously relaxed & productive, you're practicing the Art of Clear Creativity. Once you've mastered it, you can use it to easily design, CRAFT & share your unique projects, whenever you wish.

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Join me to :

  • enjoy enhanced Creative FLOW
  • explore the Art of CLEAR Creativity &
  • experience this simple way to easily design, CRAFT and share your unique work.

This Wise Ways Creatrix Gathering features a 90-minute pre-recorded  video plus an additional companion video. They include specific exercises to raise your vibration, visioning to pinpoint what's best to focus on right now, quiet time to immerse yourself in Creative FLOW and as always, a great chat with women from around the world.

Bring paper, pens, a hot/cold drink, a candle, incense (whatever you wish) & prepare to enjoy yourself.

This Wise Ways Creatrix Gathering includes a downloadable PDF workbook & unlimited access to the  TWO videos.

** Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a password & link to access your Wise Ways Creatrix Gathering.  It may take up to 10 minutes to arrive & be sure to check your spam folder if it doesn't land in your inbox.

CRAFT Creatrix Gathering ©2023 Elizabeth des Roches

* Copyright & Terms of Sale

All products, courses, videos, experiences & private mentoring sessions are FINAL SALE.

All content available in The Creatrix Experience virtual shop is created by Elizabeth des Roches and is protected by copyright.

When you purchase a digital product from Elizabeth des Roches, you agree that it is for your own PERSONAL use.  You will not forward, copy, share or sell any of the content, including downloadable PDF workbooks with/to anyone else. You are free to watch & use the content &/or products which you have purchased as often as you wish.

* Complete Terms & Conditions are available during checkout.

Elizabeth des Roches - The Creatrix Experience

The Creatrix Experience • Craft A Vibrant Life 
