Elizabeth des Roches - The Creatrix Experience



Enjoy new ways to expand your wealth awareness & deepen your relationship with money during this interactive, practical experience.

Open yourself up to receive higher money energies during this inspiring pre-recorded 110 minute experience and see where you want to transform how your relationship with money.

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Explore money & wealth from a refreshing perspective in this Creatrix Activation *.

If you've ever taken an abundance course or read about the Law of Attraction, you've likely got an idea of the basics.  You may have found that those lack-based methods stopped working for you.  Often this happens because you've evolved (spiritually, mentally, &/or emotionally) and your overall energy level no longer jives with the lower frequency of trying to call money into your life.

Luckily, there's so much more to working with money than affirmations & vision boards!


In MONEY, we go beyond the old rules & faded rituals which you learned ages ago and discover intuitive ways to expand your wealth awareness & reinvent your relationship with money (as well as debt, earning, pricing, & investments).

Open yourself up to receive higher money energies during this interactive 110-minute pre-recorded experience and see where you want to transform how your relationship with money.

Bring paper, pens, a hot/cold drink, a candle, incense (whatever you wish) & prepare to enjoy yourself - we often forget to do that around money!

This Creatrix Activation includes a downloadable PDF workbook & unlimited access to the video.

** Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email with a password & link to access your Creatrix Energy Activation. It may take up to 10 minutes to arrive & be sure to check your spam folder just in case it doesn't land in your inbox.


* What is an Activation?  - In preparation for this call, I activated specific energies related to money, created an environment where you can feel open to fully receive what I share & enjoy practical insights for using this information in your life right away.  In essence, the entire experience stirs up creative energies - this works for those who were live on the call and for you as you watch the recording.

MONEY Creatrix Activation The Creatrix Experience Elizabeth des Roches

* Copyright & Terms of Sale

All products, courses, videos, experiences & private mentoring sessions are FINAL SALE.

All content available in The Creatrix Experience virtual shop is created by Elizabeth des Roches and is protected by copyright.

When you purchase a digital product from Elizabeth des Roches, you agree that it is for your own PERSONAL use.  You will not forward, copy, share or sell any of the content, including downloadable PDF workbooks with/to anyone else. You are free to watch & use the content &/or products which you have purchased as often as you wish.

* Complete Terms & Conditions are available during checkout.

Elizabeth des Roches - The Creatrix Experience

The Creatrix Experience • Craft A Vibrant Life 
